ACMSF Report 2021

Forward Look

Last updated: 24 December 2024

Forward Look

52. The Committee will keep itself informed of developing trends in relation to foodborne disease through its close links with the FSA, FSS, UKHSA and Defra.  We will continue to respond promptly with advice on the food safety implications of issues referred to the Committee by the FSA.

53. The newly set-up Ad Hoc Group on toxin-producing Clostridia in food (established in April 2021) is working on a defined timescale to produce a report by early 2023.

54. At the FSA’s request, the subgroup on microbiological risk assessments in relation to food incidents will review the FSA’s risk assessments if this is needed.

55. The Working Group on AMR will continue to provide advice to the FSA on issues relating to AMR and the food chain. 

56. The Committee, through its standing Surveillance Working Group, will continue to provide advice as required on the Government’s microbiological food surveillance programme and any other surveillance relevant to foodborne disease.

57.  The Working Group on emerging pathogens will keep a watching brief on developments concerning the risks to human health from newly emerging or re-emerging pathogens through food chain exposure pathways.

58.  Details of the Committee’s work plan for 2021/22 can be found here.

Annual Costs

 The operation of the ACMSF is funded by the FSA. The total cost for members expenses and fees in 2021 was £35,050. Information on fee rates and expenses guidance are included in the ACMSF’s Code of Practice.