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Annex I Membership
Professor Bill Keevil, Chair
Professor of Environmental Healthcare, Head of the Microbiology Group, at the University of Southampton. Chair of the subgroups on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and regulated products. Member of the incidents subgroup.
Professor Dan Tucker (Deputy Chair)
Professor in Veterinary Public Health at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge. He is fellow and Director of Studies in Medicine and Veterinary Sciences, Pembroke College, Cambridge. Chair of the New Emerging Pathogens subgroup. Member of the AMR and regulated products subgroups
Dr Gary Barker
Research Scientist in Norwich. He has been actively involved in research since 1981 in the Physics Department at Sheffield University and from 1984 until 2018 at the Institute of Food Research. Chair of the subgroup on incidents, botulinum toxin-producing Clostridia in food and quaternary ammonium compounds and biocides used in food processing. Member of the Newly Emerging Pathogens subgroup.
Dr Gauri Godbole
Consultant Medical Microbiologist and Parasitologist at the National Infection Service, UK Health Security Agency. Member of the AMR, Newly Emerging Pathogens and Incidents subgroups.
Mrs Emma Hill
She is a qualified professional in commercial catering with over 20 years’ experience of working, managing, and training in the industry. Currently the Global Health, Safety and Sustainability Director at Soho House and Co.
Mr Alec Kyriakides
Independent Food Safety Consultant. Former Head of Product Quality, Safety & Supplier Performance at Sainsbury’s. Chair of the Surveillance subgroup. Member of the incidents, Newly Emerging Pathogens, quaternary ammonium compounds and biocides used in food processing and botulinum toxin-producing Clostridia in food subgroups.
Miss Heather Lawson
Senior Environmental Health Officer at the Royal Borough of Greenwich where her work involves food hygiene and food standards inspections involving microbiological food safety issues. Member the surveillance and quaternary ammonium compounds and biocides used in food processing subgroups.
Dr Rohini Manuel
Consultant Clinical Microbiologist at the Public Health Laboratory London, National Infection Service, UK Health Security Agency. Member of the AMR, Newly Emerging Pathogens and regulated products subgroups.
Professor Peter McClure
Microbiologist and former Microbiology Department Manager for Europe, at Mondelēz International R&D Ltd. Member of the surveillance, incidents and botulinum toxin-producing Clostridia in food subgroups.
Mrs Ann Williams
Commissioning and contracts manager at Liverpool City Council responsible for the local Healthwatch services. Member of the AMR subgroup.
Dr Wayne Anderson
Director of the Food Science and Standards Division at the Food Safety Authority of Ireland. Member of the incidents and botulinum toxin-producing Clostridia in food subgroups.
Dr Edward Fox
Senior Lecturer at Northumbria University and has previously held a Newman Fellowship at University College Dublin’s Centre for Food Safety where his research examined food processing hygiene and food safety, and the role of microbial communities in influencing the colonisation of pathogenic bacteria in food processing environments. Member of the regulated products subgroup.
Dr Jane Gibbens
Consultant veterinary epidemiologist with extensive experience in providing advice to enable veterinary policy making and development, and in the design, implementation and analysis of disease surveillance and control protocols. She formerly worked for Defra and the Animal and Plant Health Agency, most recently as Head of the Bovine TB Epidemiology Assessment Centre, and Head of the Epidemiology and Risk Group. Her focus has been on bovine tuberculosis, statutory diseases exotic to the UK and scanning veterinary surveillance. Member of the surveillance subgroup.
Professor Francis Butler
Professor in the School of Biosystems and Food Engineering at University College Dublin and a Principal Investigator in the UCD Centre for Food Safety. His main research area is in food safety with a particular focus on quantitative risk assessment /modelling of microbiological hazards in foods. Member of the Newly Emerging Pathogens subgroup.
Mr Martin Briggs
Currently works for GLW Feeds Ltd. His scientific background is in applied biology. Member of the regulated products subgroup.
Dr Nicol Janecko
She is a Career-Track Group Leader at the Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich, UK with a research emphasis in genomic and metagenomic approaches to understanding Campylobacter diversity and transmission. She is an epidemiologist and microbiologist with a long-standing career focus on foodborne zoonotic pathogens and antimicrobial resistance. Member of the surveillance subgroup.
Prof Linda Scobie
Presently teaches Biomedical Science and Microbiology programmes at Glasgow Caledonian University. She leads a research group interested in viral zoonoses in the context of novel technologies.
Annex II Register of Members' Interests
In line with FSA policy and established good practice for accessing external expertise, Scientific Advisory Committee members are required to declare any personal or non-personal interests which represent a real or potential conflict in respect of general or specific aspects of work undertaken. Interests will be managed in accordance with the FSA’s policy and guidance.
If members have interests not specified in these notes, but which they believe could be regarded as influencing their advice or other work for FSA, they should declare them. However, members are not under any obligation to search out interests of which they might reasonably not be aware. For example, either through being unaware of all the interests of family members, or of not being aware of links between one company and another.
Professor Bill Keevil (Chair)
- Direct employment: University of Southampton.
- Membership: American Academy of Microbiology, Royal Society of Biology, Royal Society of Public Health, BSI Committees.
- Various research grants from public and private sector.
Professor (AW) Dan Tucker (Deputy Chair)
- Direct employment: University of Cambridge, Fellow and Trustee, Pembroke College, Cambridge.
- Consultancy: Genus plc, Farming Partnership, WJW Tucker and sons.
- Membership: Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, UK Pig Veterinary Association, UK Veterinary Public Health Association, European College of Pig Health Management, American Association of Swine Veterinarians.
- Grants: Research funding to support pig clinical residency training programs (Zoetis Animal Health and Ceva Animal Health).
Dr Gary Barker
- Direct employment: Nil (Retired research scientist).
- Membership: Nil
- Grants: Research Funding in collaboration with industrial partners.
Dr Gauri Godbole
- Direct employment: UK Health Security Agency.
- Membership: Nil
- Grants: Research funding from part public sector.
Dr Rohini Manuel
- Direct employment: Employee UK Health Security Agency.
- Membership: Nil
- Grants: Research funding from public and private sector.
Mrs Ann Williams
- Direct employment: Liverpool City Council.
- Membership: Nil
- Nil
Mrs Emma Hill
- Direct employment: Soho House
- Membership: Nil
- Working partnership UK Hospitality.
Mr Alec Kyriakides
- Direct employment: Nil
- Consultancy: Independent Food Safety Consultant.
- Shareholder: J Sainsbury Plc
- Non-Executive Board Member (unremunerated): Campden BRI.
- Non-Executive Board Member (unremunerated): Institute of Food Science and Technology.
- Honorary Lecturer (unremunerated): Queen’s University Belfast.
- Independent Governance Board Member and Chair of Technical Standards Committee (remunerated): Safe to Trade Scheme.
- Membership: Institute of Food Science and Technology, International Association for Food Protection.
Non-Personal Interests
- Nil
Professor Peter McClure
- Direct employment: Nil (former Microbiology Department Manager for Europe, at Mondelēz International R&D Ltd).
- Shareholder: Unilever
- Royalties for book chapters: Woodhead Publishing and Elsevier.
- Membership: Nil
- Nil
Miss Heather Lawson
- Direct employment: Royal Borough of Greenwich.
- Membership: Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.
- Nil
Dr Wayne Anderson
- Direct employment: Food Safety Authority Ireland (FSAI).
- Membership: International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Food (ICMSF) and IFST.
- Nil
Dr Jane Gibbens
- Direct employment: Nil
- Consultancy: Fee paid work from organisations and consultancies seeking veterinary epidemiological advice, including membership of the Defra bovine TB Partnership.
- Membership: Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, European College of Veterinary Public Health, Association of Government Veterinary Surgeons, British Veterinary Association.
- Nil
Professor Francis Butler
- Direct employment: University College Dublin.
- Consultancy: Fee paid work from relevant organisations and consultancies; occasional fee-paying consultancy with the Saudi Food and Drug Authority in relation to risk assessment and occasional food safety consultancy with the Irish Food Industry.
- Board member: Food Safety Authority for Ireland.
- Membership: Nil
- Grants: Partial industry support for research project on dairy products safety (Dairy industry); recent (2022) grant relating to biotoxins in shellfish (Irish Ministry of Agriculture).
Dr Edward Fox
- Direct employment: University of Northumbria
- Membership: International Association for Food Protection, Australian Society for Microbiology.
- Grants: Research funding from public and private sector.
Mr Martin Briggs
- Direct employment: GLW Feeds
- Membership: Nil
- Nil
Dr Nicol Janecko
- Direct employment: Quadram Institute, Bioscience, Norwich
- Membership: Royal Society of Biology, Microbiology Society.
- Grants: Institute Strategic Program Microbes in the food chain Campylobacter objectives.
Professor Linda Scobie
- Direct employment: Glasgow Caledonian University
- Consultancy: Axiom/Xenotherapeutics Plc, USA
- Membership: Nil
- Grants: Food Standards Agency, Other research funding from public and private sectors.