
Summary of minutes of the May 2021 meeting

Eighteenth meeting of the ACMSF AMR Working Group held on 19 May 2021

Last updated: 12 September 2022

AMR National Action Plan – food safety

1. The group was updated on the UK’s AMR National Action Plan (Tackling antimicrobial resistance 2019–2024). This NAP supports the UK 20-year vision for AMR. The update focussed on the food safety section that has two ambitions attached to it (ambition 3: minimum infection and ambition 9: engage the public on AMR).


2. Members welcomed the NAP, noted that the recommendations from the ACMSF AMR task and finish report was referenced in the action plan, discussed the need for appropriate resources for surveillance and the research initiatives highlighted in the report. The group endorsed the commitment to employing a one health approach across humans, animals and the environment in addressing issues relating to AMR.


EU survey of AMR E. coli in fresh chicken

3. The group was updated on the findings of the Year 6 (2020) of the EU harmonised survey on AMR E. coli in UK retail chicken. The survey involved sampling these foods at retail and then testing for E. coli prior to testing for AMR of particular concern, which includes Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL), AmpC and carbapenemase-producing E. coli as well as colistin resistance and the colistin resistant mcr genes (mcr-1, mcr-2 and mcr-3).


Risk Assessment on mcr-positive E. coli in Retail Chicken Meat

4. The FSA presented a risk assessment in relation to the above.


5. Members were invited to comment on the risk assessment and indicate whether they agreed with the associated level of risk? Although members agreed with the risk assessment, there were additional comments for the FSA to consider.


FSA’s future surveillance of AMR in retail foods

6. The FSA briefed the group on its future surveillance of AMR in retail foods. The update covered: Surveillance of AMR bacteria in UK retail meats since 2014, the next phase of the EU harmonised survey of AMR E. coli in retail meats and the FSA’s new survey of AMR bacteria in chicken and turkey.


7. Members comments were welcomed by the FSA.


Work plan discussion on future meetings

8. The group discussed its work plan for the autumn and winter months.



September 2021