
99th ACMSF Meeting 21 October 2021

The ninety-ninth meeting of the Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food will be held at 1.00 pm on 21 October 2021. Virtual meeting (Microsoft Teams). Only part of meeting is open to the public.

Last updated: 24 February 2022

Summary of meeting

  • The Chair of the committee’s subgroup on toxin-producing Clostridia in food, provided an update on the activities of the group. The objective of the subgroup (setup in April 2021) is to produce a report, for consideration by ACMSF, which updates and builds on a previous ACMSF report on “Vacuum Packaging and Associated Processes” that was produced in 1992.
  • Botulism in cattle, sheep, and goats:

The FSA’s revised systematic literature review concerning botulism in cattle, sheep, and goats was considered by the committee. The literature review was approved (subject to some corrections)

Members received an update on the recommendations made on the ACMSF reports on botulism in cattle, sheep, and goats

  • Epidemiology of Foodborne Infections Group. The committee received a:

Report on the outcome of the 9 June 2021 EFIG meeting (members discussed the recent trends in animal and human infections data)

Response to comments made by ACMSF members on EFIG reports

Presentation from the UK Health Security Agency on the use of whole genome sequencing for gastrointestinal pathogen routine surveillance and outbreak detection and investigation

  • Food and You 2 – Wave 1. The Committee received a presentation on the FSA’s survey: Food and You 2: Wave 1 findings.
  • The FSA’s Foodborne Disease Policy Framework. The committee discussed and commented on this draft framework in closed session.
  • The committee was updated on the activities of the subgroups on Antimicrobial Resistance and Newly Emerging Pathogens.

Agenda and Minutes

Agenda of the ninety-nineth meeting


Summary of action taken on points arising from minutes of previous meeting (ACM/1365)

Update on the activities of the subgroup on toxin-producing Clostridia in food (ACM/1366)

Literature review on botulism in cattle, sheep and goats: 2006 to 2021 (ACM/1367)

Literature update on Botulism in cattle, sheep and goats from 2006 and 2009 (ACM/1367 Annex 1) Available from the secretariat

Update on recommendations from the ACMSF Botulism in Cattle, Sheep and Goats reports (ACM/1368)

Update on the outcome of the June 2021 EFIG meeting (ACM/1369)

EFIG Updates for ACMSF (ACM/1370)

Response to ACMSF comments on the EFIG reports and presentation of surveillance data (ACM/1370 Annex 1) FOR MEMBERS ONLY

Food and You 2 - Wave 1 (ACM/1371)

Date of future meeting (ACM/1372)

Food Standard Agency's Foodborne Disease Policy Framework (ACM/1373) RESERVED BUSINESS

ACMSF Work plan (ACM/1374)

Update from other SACs (ACM/1375)

Items of interest from the literature (ACM/1376) - Available from the secretariat

Salmonella in Livestock Production in GB (ACM/1377)