103rd ACMSF Meeting 22 June 2023
Last updated: 16 December 2024
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Skip the menu of subheadings on this page.Public Attendance at this meeting
Members of the public are welcome to attend ACMSF plenary meetings as observers (please note some items 9 and 10 will be considered in closed session). Request to attend should sent to acmsf@food.gov.uk by Monday 19 June 2023. Please note that space for observers is limited so we may not be able to accommodate everyone who wants to attend.
The Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London, SW1H 9NQ
Microsoft Teams link is available for those who wish to join the meeting remotely.
Items 1 to 4 (14:45-15:00)
- Chair’s introduction
- Apologies for absence
- Declaration of interests
- Minutes of the 102nd meeting (ACM/MIN/102)
Members will be invited to approve ACM/MIN/102 as a correct record of the Committee’s 102nd meeting.
5. Matters arising (ACM/1411)
The Secretariat has produced an information paper summarising action taken on points arising from the minutes of previous meetings.
6. Committee update
- AMR Working Group
7. AOB
8. Public Q&A
Members of the public present will be invited to ask any questions they may have about the Committee and/or to make any statements.
(15:40-15:50) Break
9. Epidemiology of Foodborne Infections Group (ACM/1412) Reserved Business
Dr Paul Cook will update Members on the outcome of the EFIG meeting held on 7th June 2023
10. Update/milestones IID3 Reserved Business
Members will be updated on the current progress on the third study of infectious intestinal disease in the UK project (IID3)
Meeting closes
Additional papers:
ACM/1413: Items from the literature
ACM/1414: AMR NAP 2024-29 Commitments
ACM/1415: workplan